Monday, September 1st is a holiday. All Richland School District 2 schools and offices will be closed. Enjoy the break.
National Career Development Association 49th Annual Poetry and Poster Contest
The National Career Development Association is having their 49th annual Poetry and Poster contest and your students are invited to participate. This creative opportunity is a great way for your students to think about their future career plans as well as be creative and earn regional, state and national recognition.
The theme for the contest is "Celebrating First Jobs Through Encore Careers." The contest is an opportunity to highlight career development as a lifelong process and finding purpose in your career. Specifically, how does your career connect you to life-long career development? The word “encore” in the theme is the life-long process one takes in order to find purpose in their job and/or career. For elementary level students it means to write or draw what your dream job would be.
The submission deadline is November 14, 2014. ALL entries MUST be received by this date in order to be judged and be accompanied by the "OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM." Click here for entry form.
2014 EdOps College Fair
Please review the list of schools and colleges that are planning to attend our 2014 Ed Ops College Fair on September 8th. There should be some additional colleges attending, so look for an updated list here in the Viking Update. Juniors will have 20 minutes to meet with the colleges or schools of their choice, then seniors will have their 20 minutes to meet with the schools. Review the colleges to make a list of the schools that you want to talk to. Click here for list of schools and colleges that plan to attend.
Proof of Residence Reminder
Richland School District Two schools are currently conducting the annual verification of addresses for all Richland School District Two students. In order to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted transition from the 2013-2014 school year to the 2014-2015 school year, we urge you to bring/send/scan in your proof-of-residence for your students now. Documents should be directed to the Guidance Office. Click here for more information.
Spring Valley School Counseling Department News
Click on School Counseling Department News for link to all current information from the Spring Valley School Counseling Department.
SVEF Open Board Meeting & Annual Auction Kick Off Meeting
Parents – Please join us! Monday, Sept. 8 in the SVHS Media Center.
SV Education Foundation (SVEF) Open Board of Directors Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Learn about how the SVEF operates and meet Board members. Hear how SVEF grants make a difference at SVHS from some people who recently received a grant.
29th Annual Auction Kick Off meeting at 7:15 p.m. This is our primary fund raiser and big community event. This is a fun and very rewarding project. Lots of help is needed and there are many committees to choose from - whether you have lots of time or very little.
Job Opportunity for Students
Tiffany's Bakery at 8502 Two Notch Road is looking for an early dismissal student to work afternoons until closing at 6:00 pm. Speak to Jamie at the bakery or call him at 736-2253. The student hired for this job can earn Work Based Learning credit. See Mrs. Morgan in E 330 for more details.
STEMPremier and IT-oLogy
STEM Premier has partnered with IT-oLogy to provide students 8th-12th grade a way to showcase their STEM talents, get the latest news about events in their area and get personalized recommendations about careers.
Viking Sports Wrap
Varsity Volleyball lost to RNE
JV Volleyball defeated RNE
JV Volleyball defeated RNE
Last nights match up, the Lady Vikings lost in three....23-25;23-25;20-25. Players of the game were Sydney Bryson & Cayla Riley both contributed 7 Diggs each, Cayla Riley 5 kills, and Courtney Green 11 assists. Lady Vikings return to volley, Saturday @ the Lady Gamecock tournament at Sumter High starting @ 8:30 a.m. Vikings are 0-1-4 Overall. Conference 0-0.
Junior Varsity won their match 29-27; 25-18
Wake Forest University Admissions Diversity Event Near You!
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions invites you and your family to a VIP event in your area. As our guest, you will discover various aspects of Wake Forest University from our dynamic cultural community, to our diverse academic opportunities and hear from area alumni and Wake Forest parents regarding the benefits of a Wake Forest education. Through VIP, you will begin to picture yourself as a Very Important Part of the Wake Forest community. Click here for more information.
Registration for Free SAT Prep Workshop
The Spring Valley Education Foundation is offering 2 FREE SAT Workshops this Fall. The SAT workshops will be held on Saturday, September 6 or Saturday, September 27. Students may only sign up for one workshop. We will take the first 150 students who sign up for each date. The workshop will be held in the Spring Valley Auditorium from 8:00am-12:00pm. Students or parents need to complete the registration for free SAT Prep Workshop.
College Colors Day is Tomorrow
Don't forget to wear the colors from your favorite college to celebrate National College Colors Day on Friday, August 29.
Chromebook Distribution
Parents, in order to distribute Chromebooks as quickly as possible, you now have two options for submitting your child's RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form. You may use InfoSnap, Richland Two's online registration & annual information update portal, or you may complete a paper copy of the form. While we are encouraging parents to register in InfoSnap, students can bring a signed paper copy with them to pick up their Chromebook
Returning Richland 2 students must bring their appointment ticket/letter, their student id card, and a Chromebook case with them to pick up their Chromebook. Ninth graders have their cases from middle school. New students will receive a new case.
Students who are bringing their own devices will need a signed RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form and the Personal Electronic Device form. This forms can be turned in during distribution.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the Protection Plan for Take Home Devices and the Technology Handbook for Parents and Students.
Viking Sports Wrap
Girls Golf
The Lady Vikings golf team kicked off the 2014 season yesterday at Indian River Golf Club in a 9 hole tri-match against Heathwood Hall and White Knoll. The Lady Vikings fell by 2 strokes to White Knoll with a team score of 165 to Spring Valley's team score of 167, but defeated Heathwood Hall's team score of 195. Low medalist overall was Jensen Castle for White Knoll shooting a 33. Low individual for Spring Valley was Bonnie Ayres with a 37 and Madison Branum for Heathwood Hall with a 34. Other contributors for Spring Valley were Kamryn Beaman, Payton Starmack and Mary Colvin Temple. The Lady Vikings next match will be 4:30 Sept 2nd at the Woodlands Country Club with a re-match against the White Knoll Timberwolves.
Save the Date: Open House September 11th
Please join us for Open House, Thursday, September 11th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Spring Valley Commons. Meet your student's teachers, counselors, and administrators. Stop by room E 103 for questions about Chromebooks, help adding teacher calendars or the school's Calendar of Events or Athletics Calendar to your own, or to learn how to follow SVHS online.
Senior Parent Information Night - two sessions will be held in the Auditorium during Open House. One session will be held from 5pm to 6pm the other from 6pm to 7pm. Attend either session to get information on how to navigate through your senior's last year.
We hope to see you there.
2014 EdOps College Fair
College admissions representatives from over 70 schools will be at Spring Valley on September 8, 2014 beginning at 9:30 a.m. The representatives will have a chance to talk with Spring Valley juniors and seniors for 20 minutes per grade. It is always a good idea for students to meet with representatives from the schools they are interested in attending so that the representative knows to be on the lookout for their application. Parents are welcome to attend but must sign in at the atrium desk so please allow time for that process.
Labor Day Holiday
Monday, September 1st is a holiday. All Richland School District 2 schools and offices will be closed. Enjoy the break.
Chromebook Distribution
Parents, in order to distribute Chromebooks as quickly as possible, you now have two options for submitting your child's RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form. You may use InfoSnap, Richland Two's online registration & annual information update portal, or you may complete a paper copy of the form. While we are encouraging parents to register in InfoSnap, students can bring a signed paper copy with them to pick up their Chromebook
Returning Richland 2 students must bring their appointment ticket/letter, their student id card, and a Chromebook case with them to pick up their Chromebook. Ninth graders have their cases from middle school. New students will receive a new case.
Students who are bringing their own devices will need a signed RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form and the Personal Electronic Device form. This forms can be turned in during distribution.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the Protection Plan for Take Home Devices and the Technology Handbook for Parents and Students.
Students Earn Perfect SAT Scores
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Priscilla Li Rishishankar Suresh Sara Wallam |
Three outstanding students earned the highest possible score of 800 on the math or critical reading sections of the SAT taken in June. Junior Priscilla Li scored 800 on the math section, sophomore Rishishankar Suresh scored 800 on the math section, and senior Sara Wallam scored 800 on the critical reading section. Congratulations to these remarkable students!
College Colors Day is Friday!
Don't forget to wear the colors from your favorite college to celebrate National College Colors Day on Friday, August 29.
Chromebook Distribution
Parents, in order to distribute Chromebooks as quickly as possible, you now have two options for submitting your child's RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form. You may use InfoSnap, Richland Two's online registration & annual information update portal, or you may complete a paper copy of the form. While we are encouraging parents to register in InfoSnap, students can bring a signed paper copy with them to pick up their Chromebook
Returning Richland 2 students must bring their appointment ticket/letter, their student id card, and a Chromebook case with them to pick up their Chromebook. Ninth graders have their cases from middle school. New students will receive a new case.
Students who are bringing their own devices will need a signed RUP (Responsible Use Procedures) form and the Personal Electronic Device form. This forms can be turned in during distribution.
Please ensure that you are familiar with the Protection Plan for Take Home Devices and the Technology Handbook for Parents and Students.
NCAA Workshop
A NCAA Eligibility Information Night for Spring Valley and Westwood athletes will be help on Thursday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the Westwood Auditorium. Information on the new NCAA eligibility and recruiting tips will be shared.
2014 CSRA College Night
Attention Spring Valley Junior & Seniors: The Savannah Ricer Nuclear Solutions Education Outreach Program is sponsoring the 2014 CSRA College Night on September 11, 2014 from 5:00 to 8:30 pm in Augusta, Ga. Not only will there be over 140 colleges and universities attending, but there will be seminars as well as drawings for $1000 scholarships. Please go to for more information on the scholarships.
Future Health Professionals (HOSA)
Future Health Professionals (HOSA) will hold two informational meetings for students interested in becoming part of this amazing organization for the 2014-2015 school year. Meetings will take place on August 28th and September 4th in room C-306 during lunch.
You must attend one of the informational meetings to receive a registration form for this year. Community service opportunities and fundraising information will also be provided during the Aug 28th and Sept 4th meetings.
HOSA members give back to their community, develop leadership skills, compete in health care events, attend conferences, meet professionals, earn scholarships and have fun!
Come see what it is all about!!!
Please note: Everyone must attend this informational meeting if they plan to be a member for the 2014-2015 school year.
Please see Mrs. McDuffie, C-306, for any questions regarding HOSA or the informational meetings.
School Improvement Council (SIC) Self-Nomination Form 2014-2015
The SVHS School Improvement Council (SIC) is made up of an elected and appointed membership that includes students, parents, teachers, administrators and community representatives. This is mandated by state law and written in our bylaws which are available upon request. Each year, two parent/guardian representatives from grade levels are elected to two year terms on a rotating basis.
For the 2014-15 school year parents/guardians of freshmen, sophomore, and senior students are invited to submit their name(s) for election. NOMINATIONS can be submitted online, mailed in or dropped off in the Main Office of the school. Completed self-nomination forms are due in the Main Office by September 5, 2014. After September 8th, a profile/summary of all those seeking election will be available to all the parents/guardians of SVHS students. Click here for SIC self-nomination form 2014-2015.
ELECTIONS will take place on September 11, 2014; parents may vote throughout the day in the main office, or during Open House from 5-7 PM in the Commons. The top two candidates from the elected Class (those receiving the largest number of votes) will be SIC representatives. Announcement of the final membership of the 2014-15 SIC will be published in the Viking Update and on the school website. All regular SIC meetings are held in the school media center and are open to all parents/guardians, students and community members. Meeting dates and times will be published at the start of the school year. For more information contact Jeff Temoney, Principal at 699-3500 or e-mail
Register for the PSAT
The PSAT will be given on October 15, 2014 beginning at the start of school and finishing at lunch. The test will be given to all first time sophomores for free. Repeating sophomores and juniors that wish to take the test must register and pay $14 in the CIC with Mrs. Mujica or Mrs. Ashworth. The PSAT is the qualifying examination for juniors who wish to compete for scholarships offered through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. If you wish to receive updates and information from the College and Career Information Center (CIC), please email
School Counseling News
The last day to request a schedule change for a block or semester skinny is tomorrow, August 26. Students will have until September 3rd to make a change in a year long class. Level changes must be made by October 1st.
Our department has a new name please find all of our information under "School Counselors" on the Spring Valley Web site.
The Spring Valley Education Foundation is offering 2 FREE SAT Workshops this Fall. The SAT workshops will be held on Saturday, September 6 or Saturday, September 27. Students may only sign up for one workshop. We will take the first 150 students who sign up for each date. The workshop will be held in the Spring Valley Auditorium from 8:00am-12:00pm. Students or parents need to complete the registration for free SAT Prep Workshop.
Interest Meeting for Boys Soccer
There is a mandatory meeting for all returning soccer players and any student athletes interested in trying out on Tuesday 8/26 at lunch in Coach McKinney's room, D-104.
College Admission Representative Visits 2014-2015
The Spring Valley Counseling Dept. is hosting college admission representative visits on campus throughout the 2014-2015 school year. Juniors and seniors are welcome to sign-up for these visits through their Naviance Account. If any student does not remember how to sign-in to Naviance or if a student is new to Spring Valley this year, please come by the Career Information Center in the School Counseling Dept. to meet with Mr. Staten, Mrs. Mujica ro Mrs. Ashworth. Click here for list of college admission representative visits.
Aug. 26th is Last Day to Drop/Add a Semester Course.
Students: August 26th is the last day to drop/add a semester course. Please see your counselor to make changes!
Bell Schedule for Tuesday, August 26th
EB: 7:30 - 8:25
1st: 8:40- 9:25
2nd: 9:30 -10:15
Adv: 10:20 -10:40
3rd: 10:45 -11:35
4th: 11:40 -12:25
Lunch: 12:25 -1:03
5th: 1:08 -1:53
6th: 1:58 - 2:43
7th: 2:48 - 3:33
Lake Carolina Internship Program
Richland Two high school students: If you are interested in becoming an intern at Lake Carolina Elementary after-school program, please complete and submit the Later Gators internship application. Students can fax their applications at (803) 714-1301 or they can submit it to Anita Peterson on campus.
Science National Honor Society New Member Recruitment
Are you a junior or a senior? Have you maintained a B+ in ALL of your science courses? Have you taken at least one honors science class during or prior to your junior year? Have you taken or are you enrolled in AP Biology, Biology II Honors, AP Chemistry, Chemistry II Honors, AP Physics, and/or AP Environmental Science?
If so, then you may be eligible for membership in the Science National Honors Society. If you are interested, please go to Mrs. Spigner’s website at There you will find the “SNHS Application Packet 2014-2015”. Please download, print, and complete the packet. The completed packet is due to Mrs. Spigner NO LATER THAN Friday, September 12th.
Bell Schedule for Tuesday, August 26th
EB: 7:30 - 8:25
1st: 8:40- 9:25
2nd: 9:30 -10:15
Adv: 10:20 -10:40
3rd: 10:45 -11:35
4th: 11:40 -12:25
Lunch: 12:25 -1:03
5th: 1:08 -1:53
6th: 1:58 - 2:43
7th: 2:48 - 3:33
Chromebook Distribution
Due to a problem with the copier, the letters for appointment times that were to be handed out in homeroom today will be given out on Tuesday, August 26. Chromebook distribution will begin on Wednesday, August 27. If your student misses his or her appointment time, they should come at the same time on Tuesday, September 2.
College Visits for Juniors and Seniors
Spring Valley College and Career Information Center wishes to welcome back all juniors & seniors! Please remember to go into your Naviance account to sign-up for college visits. We already have over 10 college admissions conunselors coming to Spring Valley to meet with you. Please come by the CIC if you have any questions.
Welcome Back Vikings!
The backpacks are packed and the schedules are in hand. It was back to school Wednesday morning as students flooded into Spring Valley. New classes, new teachers and new friends make this an exciting time for students and their families. The faculty and staff welcomed our students back to school for the 2014-2015 school year! We have been working hard this summer to plan an exciting year filled with new educational experiences and we are looking forward to a wonderful school year!
Spring Valley Welcomes Class of 2018
Spring Valley's "Fresh Start" helps make the transition to high school easier for our incoming freshmen by giving them an opportunity to have the campus to themselves. Students can become familiar with the building and their classrooms and meet their teachers and administrators without the added stress of the first day of school. Parents also had an opportunity to learn more about our policies and procedures and get their questions answered at the parent meeting. Welcome Spring Valley Class of 2018!
School Bus Information
SVHS school bus routes and information can be found here. Spring Valley is covered by the Richland Northeast Transportation Hub. You may contact them at 803.736.8718 with any questions.
Parents, Add Teacher Calendars to Your Own
Parents, make sure you visit each teacher's website and subscribe to their Google Calendars. You'll only need to do this one time. The teacher calendars will appear on your Google Calendar page. You can even choose to add them to your cellphone! Stay on top of what is going on in class. Subscribe to your student's teachers' calendars today. The video below will walk you through it. It's really easy.
Students, You've Got Mail!
Students, in case you were unable to come to orientation this week and get a copy of your class schedule, we just emailed you the name and room number of your Homeroom teacher for the 2014-2015 school year. Everyone will receive an updated copy of their class schedule in Homeroom.
We will not have Late Start on Wednesday, August 20th, but we will have Early Bird classes.
Spring Valley will follow the bell schedule below Wednesday, August 20th through Friday, August 22nd. Please make a note of it. See you soon!
Early Bird 7:30-8:25
Homeroom 8:40-8:55
1st period 9:00-9:47
2nd period 9:52-10:38
3rd period 10:43-11:34
4th period 11:39-12:25
Lunch 12:25-1:00
5th period 1:05-1:51
6th period 1:56-2:42
7th period 2:47-3:33
Fresh Start 2014
All first-year, rising 9th graders are encouraged to attend Spring Valley's "Fresh Start" on August 19th from 8:30 until 1:00. Students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and administrators, and begin learning The Viking Way. Buses will run and lunch will be provided free of charge to all students. The schedule for the day can be found here.
Parents of rising 9th graders are encouraged to attend our Fresh Start Parent Meeting from 8:45 until 10:15 in the Auditorium. The agenda for the meeting can be found here.
Congratulations to Chief Perry Langston
On Saturday, August 2, 2014, United States Senator Tim Scott presented a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition to Chief Perry Langston in commemoration of invaluable and meritorious military service to the United States of American during the Vietnam War era. He also requested that Spring Valley High School Drill Team post colors at this Vietnam War Era Veterans Honor Ceremony. Over 3000 veterans attended. Thank you for the service to our country and the liberty we hold so dear!
Welcome Back Desiree Ross!
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Photo by Billy Graham |
You might not have gotten a chance to really know rising 10th grader Desiree Ross last year. She wasn't here too long. She spent much of the school year on location, filming the Lifetime TV movie A Country Christmas Story with Dolly Parton. When filming wrapped, she came back to SVHS, but a couple weeks later she had the good fortune to land a part guest starring in 6 of the 12 episode of Falling Skies on TNT, executively produced by Steven Spielberg. Desiree will be back with us next week, and we couldn't be prouder of her. Having attended Condor, Round Top, and Dent before Spring Valley, and with a mother who teaches in the district as well, Desiree is Richland Two through and through! If you get a chance, you can watch Desiree on Falling Skies this Sunday night at 10:00. And look for her on stage later this year with the Spring Valley Players if Hollywood doesn't call her away!
Congratulations to our 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Kara Luke has been named our 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year. Congratulations, we know you will make us proud and represent Spring Valley well.
SV Senior Attends National Forum For Law & CSI
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