We live in a world where many wake up in poverty and go to sleep hungry. The food pantry relies on the generosity of organizations and individuals like you to help feed those in need. Nutrition affects learning ability and in some cases behavior; students need to eat in order to prepare their minds for learning. Spring Valley High School wants to instill the life skills of caring and service amongst their students. The food pantry will serve students/families at Spring Valley High School and surrounding Richland School District Two schools, as well. The food pantry relies on the generosity of individuals, communities and organizations to help decrease barriers such as hunger in the learning environment and needs your help.
Currently the following items are needed (Bold Print Items Are Needed Most):
100% Fruit Juice
Boxed Meals
Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages etc…)
Fruits & Vegetables (canned)
Macaroni & Cheese
Peanut Butter
Sugar, Flour
Dried Beans
Spaghetti Sauce
Dried Milk/Shelf Stable Milk
Canned Ravioli, spaghetti, beefaroni, etc….
Please feel free to contact School Social Worker, Venesia Johnson at 699-3500 ext. 69019 or 803-223-5869 with any questions/concerns. Thanks in Advance!