Students who are classified as English Language Learners (ELL) will be participating in the ACCESS for ELLs Assessment. This assessment is given each year to certain levels of English Language Learners.
At Spring Valley, we will test on Thursday, February 16th and on Tuesday, February 21st. ELL students will test on both days in order to complete the four required components of the ACCESS assessment. Students will receive their testing schedule in their first period class on Monday, February 13th. This will be the only copy of the testing schedule students will receive so it should be kept in a safe place so students will know which period(s) to report for testing. All testing will take place in the Multi-purpose Room on the second floor.
The four required components of the assessment are listening, reading, writing, and speaking. All students will take the listening and reading assessments prior to taking the writing and speaking assessments.
Click here for a link to practice tests that should be done prior to the first testing day.