Thursday, June 1st is a half-day for high school students. Please check the schedules below.
All Textbooks Due by June 1 (Thursday)!
Yearbooks are officially sold out. Please make sure to pre-order a copy next year to ensure you receive one.
News from the Health Room
From the Nurse:
Attention all parents:
Medications are not kept in the health room over the summer. Please pick up all over-the-counter and prescription medications (inhalers,
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Registered for AP Calculus AB
Students registered to take AP Calculus AB in the Fall:
Around mid-July, you will be receiving a summer packet for AP Calculus AB via email. Although this is not a required assignment, it is recommended that you complete the packet prior to the first day of class in order to position yourself for success in the course. You will be given an opportunity to ask questions about the content of this packet on the first day of class. Since many of the pre-requisite topics will not be reviewed in this course, it is your responsibility to know and understand most of the material presented in the packet. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email Mrs. Fowler at:
If you know that you are (or will be) enrolled in the course and you have not received the summer packet by mid-July, send Mrs. Fowler an email to make her aware that you need a packet.
Proof of Residence 2017-2018
It is time to verify and update student information for the 2017–2018 school year. Parents must provide proof of residence documentation each year. If you have not already provided this information please do so as soon as possible. Parents/legal guardians should visit the Enrollment and Annual Registration page on the Richland Two website. Documents may be uploaded via the web or physical copies can be turned in to the Guidance Office. Please refer to the district's FAQ for questions. Your timely assistance in this matter will ensure a smooth opening of school for your student. Thank you.
REMINDER: You should not have to enter a Snapcode in order to complete registration. If you are prompted to enter a Snapcode, you will need to contact your school’s registrar so your account can be checked. Once a small change is made, you will be able to access your account without a Snapcode.
REMINDER: You should not have to enter a Snapcode in order to complete registration. If you are prompted to enter a Snapcode, you will need to contact your school’s registrar so your account can be checked. Once a small change is made, you will be able to access your account without a Snapcode.
News from the Health Room
From the Nurse:
Attention all parents:
Medications are not kept in the health room over the summer. Please pick up all over-the-counter and prescription medications (inhalers,
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Edlyan Rodriquez Signs with Columbia College
Edlyan Rodriquez signed with Columbia College to play volleyball. Congratulations to Edlyan and her family!
Are You Leaving Richland Two?
All Textbooks Due by June 1 (Thursday)!
Half Day Tomorrow & Thursday
Wednesday, May 31st and Thursday, June 1st is a half-day for high school students. Please check the schedules below.
Wednesday May 31, 2017
6th Period EXAM 8:40-10:25
7th Period EXAM 10:30 - 12:15
Make-up Exams: 1:00-4:00
Thursday June 1, 2017
No Early Bird
1st Period 8:40-9:06
3rd Period 9:42-10:08
4th Period 10:13-10:39
5th Period 10:44-11:11
6th Period 11:16-11:43
7th Period 11:48-12:15
Make-up Exams: 1:00-4:00
*Bag lunches are available for students in the Commons after dismissal
Detention Hours
Students may serve detention on May 31st from 12:30pm - 3:30pm and receive 12; June 1st from 12:30pm-3:30pm and receive credit for 12 hours; June 2nd from 8am-12:30pm and receive credit for 18 hours; June 3rd from 8am-12:30pm and receive credit for 18 hours.
Detention hours that are not completed by the end of detention on June 3rd, will be carried over to next school year. Take advantage of these opportunities to clear your hours and start off the 2017-2018 school year with a clean slate.
Detention hours that are not completed by the end of detention on June 3rd, will be carried over to next school year. Take advantage of these opportunities to clear your hours and start off the 2017-2018 school year with a clean slate.
Looking for help for the SAT or ACT ?
Students who are looking to prepare for the SAT or ACT should know that Kaplan Test Prep is offering discounts of up to $350 off Classroom and Online programs, or $500 off Tutoring, through Wednesday, May 31. Some restrictions apply. Click here for more details.
Spring Valley HS Orchestra Four Year Members
Spring Valley HS Orchestra Four Year Member Awardees- the following students are recognized for their participation in Spring Valley's orchestra program throughout their high school careers. They were awarded Four Year plaques at the Spring Orchestra Concert on May 23, 2017.
Teacher of the Month for March & April
Spring Valley "Teacher of the Month" program is designed to recognize teachers who are making a profound and positive difference in the lives of our students. Each month during the school year Spring Valley students, teachers, parents, and staff are given a chance to vote for a teacher and explain how that teacher has made an impact on them. Congratulations to the "Teacher & Administrative of the Month" for March Ms.Diana Rakes and April Mr. Marion Kelly!
Classified Employee of the Month for March & April
Spring Valley "Classified Employee of the Month" program is designed to recognize a classified employee who has gone beyond the call of duty. The teachers and staff voted and the winner of March is Ms. Susan Beebe and April is Mrs. Venesia Johnson . Congratulations !
Memorial Day - Student Holiday Monday, May 29th
Richland Two schools, centers and administration offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
All Students - Important Information

Students who are on campus MUST be in their scheduled class, this includes Seniors. There is not an exception to this requirement.
Students who are on campus MUST wear their ID, even if you are only coming on campus to pay fees, turn in textbooks, etc. This is a safety issue. We must be able to identify all students on campus by their school issued ID.
Students who are on campus MUST be in dress code. Pajamas, non-dress code length shorts/skirts, exposed undergarments, exposed midriffs, etc. are not acceptable on campus.
Please remember that all school rules remain if effect through the last day of school.
Proof of Residence 2017-2018
It is time to verify and update student information for the 2017–2018 school year. Parents must provide proof of residence documentation each year. If you have not already provided this information please do so as soon as possible. Parents/legal guardians should visit the Enrollment and Annual Registration page on the Richland Two website. Documents may be uploaded via the web or physical copies can be turned in to the Guidance Office. Please refer to the district's FAQ for questions. Your timely assistance in this matter will ensure a smooth opening of school for your student. Thank you.
REMINDER: You should not have to enter a Snapcode in order to complete registration. If you are prompted to enter a Snapcode, you will need to contact your school’s registrar so your account can be checked. Once a small change is made, you will be able to access your account without a Snapcode.
REMINDER: You should not have to enter a Snapcode in order to complete registration. If you are prompted to enter a Snapcode, you will need to contact your school’s registrar so your account can be checked. Once a small change is made, you will be able to access your account without a Snapcode.
News from the Health Room
From the Nurse:
Attention all parents:
Medications are not kept in the health room over the summer. Please pick up all over-the-counter and prescription medications (inhalers,
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday June 2nd at 12 noon. Any medications left after 12 noon will be destroyed.
Vinita Wins First Place in National History Day Competition
Congratulations to Miss Vinita Cheepurupalli for winning first place on her individual website entitled Margaret Sanger, Woman Rebel: Crusading Against the Censorship of Birth Control at this year's National History Day Competition in South Carolina.
Each fall, over half a million students nationwide begin the year-long National History Day program, competing in a series of history contests in their local schools, regions and affiliates. The top students in each category are selected for participation in the national contest. Participating students choose their own topics of study and research from original sources based on the theme: Taking a Stand in History. National History Day students research historic documents and artifacts, conduct oral histories, search the Internet for information on their topics and travel to historic sites. They present their work in a variety of ways, by creating exhibits, documentaries, performances, websites or historical research paper.
This is the second year that Vinita won first place at both the state and regional NHD competition and the honor of representing the state of South Carolina at the NHD nationals. The national annual Kenneth E. Behring National History Day contest will be held at the University of Maryland from June 11-15.

1. Attendance at the Senior Assembly is mandatory for all seniors who are participating in the Graduation ceremony. This is assembly will serve as the only rehearsal for Graduation and all seniors are REQUIRED to be present.
2. All seniors must be in the Auxiliary Gym by 7:45am on Friday, May 26th. You will be lined up in alphabetical order similar to the way you will be lined up at Graduation.
3. The Senior Assembly will begin at 9:00am.
4. All seniors are to “DRESS TO IMPRESS” Graduation gowns ARE NOT REQUIRED! This will be a nice event designed to honor your accomplishments and you should dress accordingly. Gentlemen should wear shirts and ties and ladies should wear dresses, skirts, and/or suits under your gown. All attire must meet dress code requirements (see page 12 of the linked handbook)!
5. If you are late or not dressed appropriately, you will not be allowed to sit on the floor with the seniors.
6. Any senior who misbehaves during the assembly (yelling, catcalling, boos, etc.) will be escorted from the assembly and will be disciplined.
7. Seniors will not be allowed to sign out after the Assembly ends. You must complete the “Sign out Permission Form” and return it to Mrs. Cermack in Attendance. Forms may be picked up in the Attendance Office. If you fail to do this, a parent will have to be present to physically sign you out. You will not be allowed to call home.
Detention Hours
Students may serve detention on May 31st from 12:30pm - 3:30pm and receive 12; June 1st from 12:30pm-3:30pm and receive credit for 12 hours; June 2nd from 8am-12:30pm and receive credit for 18 hours; June 3rd from 8am-12:30pm and receive credit for 18 hours.
Detention hours that are not completed by the end of detention on June 3rd, will be carried over to next school year. Take advantage of these opportunities to clear your hours and start off the 2017-2018 school year with a clean slate.
Detention hours that are not completed by the end of detention on June 3rd, will be carried over to next school year. Take advantage of these opportunities to clear your hours and start off the 2017-2018 school year with a clean slate.
Tomorrow Schedule
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Early Bird 7:30-8:25
2nd Period EXAM 8:40-10:40
1st Period class 10:45-11:06
4th Period class 11:11-11:33
LUNCH 11:33-12:08
3rd Period EXAM 12:13–2:13
5th Period class 2:18 – 2:40
6th Period class 2:45 – 3:07
7th Period class 3:12 – 3:33
Congratulations to Alyssa Hathorne !
Congratulations to Alyssa Hathorne who is the recipient of a NTHS/HOSA Scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Over three thousand students applied for the scholarship and only seven were selected.
HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership.
SV Softball All-Stars
Left: Alexis Edgerton; Middle: Coach McKelvey; Right: Jourdan Bostic |
The Spring Valley softball program would like to recognize and congratulate Seniors Alexis Edgerton and Jourdan Bostic on being picked to play in this year's North/South All-Star game taking place June 12-15 at USC Aiken. This is a tremendous accomplishment that the girls, their families, and Spring Valley should be proud of! In addition, Coach Maureen McKelvey has been selected as an All-Star Softball Coach for the 33rd Annual SC Coaches Association of Women’s Sports All-Star Softball Games.
Congrats and good luck to these SV Softball All-Stars!
US History Make-Up - See Schedule Below!
Students who missed their US History EOC this week will take the test as follows:
Mr. Adler's class: Wednesday, May 24th at 12:46 pm
Mr. Robertson's class: Thursday, May 25th at 8:40 am
Mr. Humphrey's class: Friday, May 26th immediately following the Senior Assembly
Mr. Graham's class: Friday, May 26th immediately following the Senior Assembly
Mr. Davis' class: Tuesday, May 30th at 12:13 pm
Mr. Adler's class: Wednesday, May 24th at 12:46 pm
Mr. Robertson's class: Thursday, May 25th at 8:40 am
Mr. Humphrey's class: Friday, May 26th immediately following the Senior Assembly
Mr. Graham's class: Friday, May 26th immediately following the Senior Assembly
Mr. Davis' class: Tuesday, May 30th at 12:13 pm
All testing will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A!
Algebra 1 EOC Make-Up - Friday, May 26th!
Students who missed their Algebra 1 EOC this week will take the test on Friday, May 26th. Students should report directly to the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A immediately following the Senior Assembly.
Biology 1 EOC Make-Up - Wednesday, May 24th!
Students who missed their Biology 1 EOC this week will take the test tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24th. Students should report directly to the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A at the beginning of 4th period (12:46 pm). THIS IS NOT A LATE START DATE! We will be on the exam schedule so 4th period will be right after lunch.
English 1 EOC Make-Up - Wednesday, May 24th!
Students who missed their English 1 EOC last week will take the test tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24th. Students should report directly to the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A at the beginning of 4th period (12:46 pm). THIS IS NOT A LATE START DATE! We will be on the exam schedule so 4th period will be right after lunch.
No Late Start TOMORROW
There will be no Late Start on Wednesday, May 24th due to exams. Please make a note of it. First period begins at 8:40 AM. Please check the exam schedule below for all exam times.
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Early Bird EXAM 7:30-8:25
(Early Bird Teachers may opt to give part of the exam on Tuesday, May 23rd, during EB classes)
(Early Bird Teachers may opt to give part of the exam on Tuesday, May 23rd, during EB classes)
1st Period EXAM 8:40-10:40
2nd Period class 10:45-11:23
3rd Period class 11:28 -12:06
LUNCH 12:06-12:41
4th Period class 12:46–1:24
5th Period class 1:29 – 2:07
6th Period class 2:12 – 2:50
7th Period class 2:55 – 3:33
No Saturday Detention May 27, 2017
There will no Saturday Detention this Saturday, May 27, 2017. June 3rd will be the last opportunity to serve hours for the school year.
Senior Week
*ALL SENIORS WILL WEAR DRESSY ATTIRE to Senior Assembly Friday (must be within school dress code).
Decorate Your Graduation Cap
SENIORS‼️ You can decorate your caps for graduation!! All templates must be submitted via email to Mrs. Ashford at by Friday, May 26th @ noon. Click here for the guidelines.
2016-2017 Second Semester Exam Schedule
Exams are given during the final week of each semester. All students are expected to take exams as scheduled -- exams cannot be taken early (in advance of the student’s assigned class). Make-up exams may be given only under special circumstances which cause hardships such as surgery or death in the family (vacation plans, trips, etc. will not be considered as hardship situations.). Make-up exams must be taken within three weeks after the original exam date. Written permission must be obtained from Dr. Silvernail to schedule a makeup exam. Approval to reschedule the exam does not excuse the absence. Students may not sign out of school during an exam period.
All students will be required to participate in the exam schedule. Seniors may exempt exams if they have 90% or above in a class (except End of Course Exams). Seniors should receive notification of exemption status by the Friday before exams.
Algebra 1 EOC Make-Up Date - Friday, May 26th
Students who missed their Algebra 1 EOC on Monday will take the test on Friday, May 26th. Students should report directly to the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A immediately following the Senior Assembly.
English 1 EOC Make-Up Date - Wednesday, May 24th
Students who missed their English 1 EOC last week will take the test on Wednesday, May 24th. Students should report directly to the Multi-Purpose Room, Computer Lab A at the beginning of 4th period (12:46pm). THIS IS NOT A LATE START DATE!
2016-2017 Second Semester Exam Schedule
Exams are given during the final week of each semester. All students are expected to take exams as scheduled -- exams cannot be taken early (in advance of the student’s assigned class). Make-up exams may be given only under special circumstances which cause hardships such as surgery or death in the family (vacation plans, trips, etc. will not be considered as hardship situations.). Make-up exams must be taken within three weeks after the original exam date. Written permission must be obtained from Dr. Silvernail to schedule a makeup exam. Approval to reschedule the exam does not excuse the absence. Students may not sign out of school during an exam period.
All students will be required to participate in the exam schedule. Seniors may exempt exams if they have 90% or above in a class (except End of Course Exams). Seniors should receive notification of exemption status by the Friday before exams.
SV Soccer Camp
Soccer Camps at Spring Valley High School!
Session I - June 12-15, 9a.m. to Noon
Session II - July 10-13, 9a.m. to Noon
*For Boys and Girls, Ages Pre-K to Junior Varsity
*Designed for various ability levels
*$75 per session (includes camp t-shirt)
*On the Spring Valley soccer match field
*Info: to pre-register
Graduation Parking Information
Parking for Graduates
Horizon Garage- Located at 519 Main Street. Graduates should park in this garage and ride the USC Shuttle to the Lincoln Street side of the Colonial Life Arena. Shuttle pickup to the Colonial Life Arena will be at the corner of Main and Wheat streets.
Parking for Attendees
Senate Street Garage- Entrance is located on the corner of Senate and Pickens streets. Shuttle pickup to the Colonial Life Arena will be on the 1000 block of Pickens Street.
Pendleton Street Garage- Entrance is located on 1000 block of Pickens Street. Park only in the metered parking spaces on levels 1A, 1B or 2B. Vehicles parked in non-metered spaces are subject to ticket and tow. Shuttle pickup to the Colonial Life Arena will be on the 1000 block of Pickens Street.
Park Street Garage (City of Columbia garage)- Entrance is located on the corner of Lincoln and Pendleton streets. Shuttle is not available from this location. There will be a charge of $5.00 per vehicle.
Additionally, there are metered spaces available on Senate Street, near the Senate Street and Pendleton Street garages as well as College Street and Sumter Street in front of the USC Horseshoe. A USC Shuttle will pick up at the USC Horseshoe entrance on Sumter Street to ride to the Colonial Life Arena.
Disability Parking
GS4 parking lot - Disability Parking-Located in front of the Colonial Life Arena, surrounded by Greene, Gadsden, Devine, and Lincoln Streets. Enter on Devine Street. Parking in this lot will require a handicap placard or license plate.
Additional Parking may be available for a fee at the locations below.
Columbia City Garages on the corner of Lincoln and Pendleton Streets and at the corner of Washington and Lincoln streets. Shuttle is not available from these locations.
Shuttle drop off/pickup for the Colonial Life Arena will be at the corner of College and Lincoln streets.
No Late Start Wednesday, May 24th
There will be no Late Start on Wednesday, May 24th due to exams. Please make a note of it. First period begins at 8:40 AM. Please check the exam schedule below for all exam times.
Wednesday May 24, 2017
Early Bird EXAM 7:30-8:25
(Early Bird Teachers may opt to give part of the exam on Tuesday, May 23rd, during EB classes)
(Early Bird Teachers may opt to give part of the exam on Tuesday, May 23rd, during EB classes)
1st Period EXAM 8:40-10:40
2nd Period class 10:45-11:23
3rd Period class 11:28 -12:06
LUNCH 12:06-12:41
4th Period class 12:46–1:24
5th Period class 1:29 – 2:07
6th Period class 2:12 – 2:50
7th Period class 2:55 – 3:33
Decorate Your Graduation Cap
SENIORS‼️ You can decorate your caps for graduation!! All templates must be submitted via email to Mrs. Ashford at by Friday, May 26th @ noon. Click here for the guidelines.
No Saturday Detention May 27, 2017
There will no Saturday Detention this Saturday, May 27, 2017. June 3rd will be the last opportunity to serve hours for the school year.
Correction to Previous Post
A previous post indicating May 25 as a school holiday was incorrect. May 25 is a school day. May 29 is a school holiday.
May 17-19: Senior Exams
May 17-23: EOC Testing
May 24-31: Final Exams
May 26: Senior Assembly
June 1: Last Day of School
June 2: Graduation
May 17-19: Senior Exams
May 17-23: EOC Testing
May 24-31: Final Exams
May 26: Senior Assembly
June 1: Last Day of School
June 2: Graduation
Chromebooks Summer Take Home Program
Attention Spring Valley Parents & Guardians,
Spring Valley High School students will participate in a summer take home program for Chromebooks this year. This means that non-graduating students will be keeping their school-issued Chromebooks over the summer.
Here is some basic information about our summer take-home program:
- Graduating Seniors are not eligible to participate in the summer take-home program.
- Underclassmen student devices will be evaluated before the end of the school year.
- If the computer needs any major repairs these repairs will need to be completed before May 12th so the Chromebook is ready to take home at the end of the school year.
- The optional Chromebook Protection Premium Plan covers one incident of accidental damage from Aug 20, 2016, to August 21, 2017.
- A second or subsequent accidental damage, incident, loss, or theft is not covered by the premium and the student will be responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
- If the premium was not paid this school year students can still take home Chromebooks with the understanding that they are responsible for any damage.
- If you do not wish for your child to participate in the summer take home program, you will need to contact Andrea Clutts in writing through email at: Please include your child’s full name in the email.
Thank you!
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