Congratulations to SV Orchestra Students

Congratulations to the following Spring Valley HS Orchestra students! On Saturday, Oct. 6th, they successfully auditioned for the SCMEA Region Three Senior (9-10)and Senior Honors (11-12) Orchestras. The 2018 SCMEA Region Three Orchestra event is scheduled for Nov. 16-17, at Lexington High School. The performance on Nov. 17th is free and open to the public.

Senior (9-10) Orchestra:

Eileen Chen
Ronit Pathak
Esther Kim
Christopher Li
Matthew Li
Pranav Poola
Spandana Anchoori
Bhavani Tuppale
Tierra Simmons
Tremayne Ansani
Connor Swayne

Senior Honors (11-12) Orchestra:

Tyson Ansani
Ethan Sosa
Aaron Pearson
Sylvia Brown
David Noel, Jr. 1st Alternate Violin