Veterans Day Appreciation/ Pictures Needed of Our Veterans

On Friday, November 9th, Spring Valley High School will honor the service of our veterans with a breakfast in the Media Center from 8:00 a.m. until 8:50 a.m., followed by a school-wide Veterans Appreciation Assembly at 9:00 AM in the Gym. The Spring Valley High School Symphonic Band will be performing patriotic songs alongside the 282nd Army Band from Fort Jackson, and a guest speaker will address the student body.

For the assembly, we would like to include a slideshow of images of veterans related to our students – mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. We’re asking that you complete the form to include the following information. Pictures of Veteran in uniform, name, rank, branch of service, wars or conflicts served in (if any), retired or active, and the name of the student or staff member related to the veteran.

We hope to see all of our veterans on Friday, November 9th so that we may express our gratitude for all that you have done, and all that you do.

The deadline for submitting the form is Wednesday, November 6th.