Discovery Senior Named a Regeneron Scholar

Discovery senior, Kristina Trifonova, has been named a top 300 scholar in the 78th Regeneron Science Talent Search—the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors. A listing of all 300 scholars can be found here. Almost 2,000 students entered the competition this year.

This is an extraordinary accomplishment deserving of many celebrations. Kristina will receive $2,000, and Spring Valley High School will also receive $2,000 to use toward STEM-related activities. The top 40 Finalists will be announced on Tuesday, January 23rd.  Each finalist will receive $25,000 and will be invited to Washington, DC for the final competition in March. The top prize for the most promising emerging STEM leader in the United States is $250,000.

Click Here to READ MORE ABOUT Kristina Trifonova accomplishment as it was a feature in The State newspaper.