TSA State Conference
Twenty-two students and two chaperones attended the TSA State Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC (March 31st - April 2nd). Against different Chapters from all across the State, Spring Valley TSA Members were able to bring home numerous amounts of medals this year. Students who placed in the top three in their event are eligible to attend the TSA National Conference this summer at Gaylord National Harbor, MD (Near Washinton DC) from June 28th - July 2nd. This year, Spring Valley High School will be sending sixteen students to the TSA National Conference. Special thanks to Ms.Garris, Dr.Wells, and Mrs.Watts for making this trip possible. Please take a moment to review the students' accomplishments:
1st Place
Biotechnology Design - Tremayne Ansani, Pranav Guntupalli, Srestha Samaddar, and Amal Verma
Coding - Paul Dubberly, Erin Byrd, and Paulina Trifonova
Debating Technological Issues - Alyssa Williams and Paul Dubberly
Software Development - Naveen Chithan and David Noel Jr.
Video Game Design- David Noel Jr. and M Farhan Hasib
2nd Place
Coding - Zachary Huang, Naveen Chithan, and M Farhan Hasib
Forensic Science - Pranav Guntupalli and Amal Verma
Technology Problem Solving - Naveen Chithan and Tyson Ansani
3rd Place
Debating Technological Issues - Tremayne Ansani and Srestha Samaddar
Music Production - Krystle Lacey, Maddy Nealey, and Bhavani Tuppale
Technology Bowl - Pranav Guntupalli, Amal Verma, and Alyssa Williams
Board Game Design - Yash Patel, Ridha Fatima, and Paulina Trifonova
Essays on Technology - Alyssa Williams
On-Demand Video - Yash Patel, Srestha Samaddar, and Tremayne Ansani
Technology Problem Solving - Amal Verma and Pranav Guntupalli
State Officers
South Carolina State Treasurer 2019-2020 - Pranav Guntupalli
South Carolina State Reporter 2019-2020 - Naveen Chithan
South Carolina State Sergeant-in-Arms 2019-2020 - Alyssa Williams
Advisor of the Year
Scott Price