Viking Singers Performing at Dreher High School

The Viking Singers will be singing a special concert with the Sandlapper Singers and the Claflin University Chorus on April 19th, 2013 @ 7:30pm at Dreher High School. This will be a ticketed event and our choir will receive a portion of all ticket sales. The “support”  program affords the opportunity to receive $5 of each and every ticket sold by or through Spring Valley High. The SPECIAL priced tickets for this effort sell for $10 and $5 of that is what the Spring Valley Chorus program will receive. This is 1/2 the price of there regular ticket of $20 . The special ticket code that must be used on the web site to purchase these tickets is studentsp.  Click image for more information on this event or to get tickets.

Student Dress Code Survey

Students, parents, faculty and staff...

Please take a moments to share your thoughts with us on the student dress code.  Click the image to the left to take the survey (edit: survey now closed).  We appreciate your feedback as we review our current policies.

Arizona Cardinals Football Player Andre Roberts Visits Spring Valley

Andre Roberts, wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals visits Spring Valley.  Andre graduated from Spring Valley in 2006.

Students Celebrate African American History Month

Students in Digital Art and Design class celebrate African American History Month. The students created a DVD cover and wrote a short description of the person's life. They also designed posters for extra credit.

SV Ed Foundation 5K on March 9th

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Registration Information and Brochure

Students Qualify for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam

Spring Valley High School is proud to announce 3 students who have qualified for the AIME in hopes of advancing to the USAMO exam.  

1.  Richard Chen  (AMC 10 School Winner) 
2.  David Qu (AMC 12 School Winner) 
3.  Gregory Rassolov

Free Online Tutorial for Spring Valley Students

There is a free online tutorial available for our Spring Valley students called Skills Tutor.   Tutorials are available in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, grammar, writing, reading comprehension, biology, chemistry and physics.  For enrollment, please contact Mrs. Genny Letts in the Tutoring and Testing Center at

27th Annual Spring Valley Education Foundation Auction

Thanks for supporting the 27th Annual Spring Valley Education Foundation Auction.

Congratulations to Spring Valley Orchestra Students

Congratulations to the following Spring Valley Orchestra students:

Briana Bell
Sean English
Lydia Kwon
Karen Lee
Song Lee
Martin Li
Courtney Noh
Ebony Patton
Zachary Patton
Katie Peffen
David Qu

They were selected, by audition, for participation in the 2013 SCMEA All-State Orchestras (9-10 and 11-12).   This a major accomplishment for these students!

Spring Valley Students at Los Cañaverales International

Click image for link

Spring Valley students are provided meaningful, challenging, and engaging learning experiences in Cali, Colombia.  

SV Students Represent SC at National Junior Science and Humanities Symposia

Five South Carolina students will represent the state at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) in Dayton Ohio, May 1 – May 5, 2013.  Four are from Spring Valley.  Way to go Kimberly, William, David, and Bushra!

Callie Cox Feature in Local Paper

Spring Valley sophomore Callie Cox is featured in the Columbia Star today.  Callie is this year’s state president of the South Carolina chapter of the Children of the America Revolution.  Click the image to read the article.  Way to go Callie!

Free After School Tutoring

Ed Foundation Auction is Tomorrow

Please support our school by coming out to our Education Foundation’s 27th Annual Auction on Saturday, February 23rd, beginning at 6:00 PM at The Members Club at WildeWood Tennis Center.

Tickets are $25 in advance for this fun evening with great food and hundreds of items for bid in all price ranges – all to benefit Spring Valley High School and your student.  Call 699.3500 x. 69061 for more information.

Congratulations to Patrick Hawkins

Patrick Hawkins, director of choral music and piano studies at Spring Valley, has been selected to present a paper at the 2nd International Conference on Historical Keyboard Music to be held at the University of Edinburgh this coming July of 2013.  Dr. Hawkins is looking forward to representing Richland Two and Spring Valley High School with pride.

2014 Australia Exchange

Have you ever wanted to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef or see a kangaroo in its natural habitat? Do you have a natural curiosity about the world and want to make friends that will last a lifetime?  Come join us at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 in the Information Technology Center at Richland Northeast High School for an informational meeting about the Australia Exchange. Begun in 1988, the Australia Exchange offers eighteen students in grades 10-12 the opportunity to live and go to school with Australian teens in Canberra and Brisbane. Students will travel for about four weeks in June, 2014 and earn a semester credit for their exchange experience and participation in the exchange seminar.

Scholarships For Students

Richland Two District Career Fair

Richland District Two will hold its annual Career Fair on March 7, 2013 at Columbia Place Mall. This is a mandatory field study for all sophomores in our district. Parent permission forms will be sent home to students on January 22 and need to be returned to the Guidance Department no later than March 1, 2013. This event gives area businesses the opportunity to provide students with information on careers, salaries, work environments, education requirements and valuable in-person interaction. The Career Fair is coordinated by the following schools: Blythewood Academy, Blythewood High, Richland Northeast High, Ridge View High, Spring Valley High, Westwood High and the District Charter School.  Any student who returns a permission form will receive a FREE TARDY PASS!!

SVHS Exchange Students Featured in RSD2 Video

Richland Two has many exchange programs underway, which offers learning experiences for students, teachers and host families.

Create IT Discovery Day

Create IT Discovery Day provides high school students the opportunity to explore careers in information technology.

Registration is now open for the Create IT Discovery Day to be held on Saturday, March 2 from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at IT-oLogy, 1301 Gervais Street, Columbia. 
Click here to register.

Create IT Discovery Day is a high energy event  designed for high school students to learn about the many exciting careers in information technology (IT). The goal of the program is to encourage high school students to major in IT disciplines in college and pursue careers in IT.

27th Annual SV Education Foundation Auction

Please support our school by coming out to our Education Foundation’s 27th Annual Auction on Saturday, February 23rd, beginning at 6:00 PM at The Members Club at WildeWood Tennis Center.

Tickets are $25 in advance for this fun evening with great food and hundreds of items for bid in all price ranges – all to benefit Spring Valley High School and your student.  Call 699.3500 x. 69061 for more information.

Congratulations to Kyle Stiffler

Congratulations to Spring Valley wrestler Kyle Stiffler for being name Region 4 AAAA Wrestler of the Year. Kyle will compete for the state title at 138 lbs. this Friday and Saturday in Anderson, SC, and again in the North/South All-Star match next Friday and Saturday in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Way to go Kyle!

Open House

Please join us for Open House, February 19, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Spring Valley Commons. Meet your student's second semester teachers and pick up the first interim report for nine weeks three.  Stop by room E 103 for help adding teacher calendars or the school's Calendar of Events or Athletics Calendar to your own, or to learn how to follow SVHS online.  We hope to see you there.

Presidents' Day Holiday

Monday, February 18 is a holiday.  All Richland School District 2 schools and offices will be closed.  Enjoy the break.

Will This Go Viral?

Spring Valley concludes its in-service day.

Go Vikings! 

Google Doodle Scholarship Competition

Like to doodle? Want a billion people to see your doodle on Google's homepage?   Need some money for college?  The National Winner will have his or her doodle featured on the U.S. homepage. He or she will be awarded a $30,000 college scholarship to used at the school of his or her choice, a trip to New York City for the final awards ceremony on May 22nd, 2013, a Google Chromebook computer, a Wacom digital design tablet, and a t-shirt printed with his or her doodle on it. Google will also award the winner’s full-time school a $50,000 technology grant towards the establishment or improvement of a computer lab or technology program.  Deadline is March 22, 2013.

Results of RSD2 Food Services Satisfaction Survey

SAT & ACT Prep Courses

USC Scholarship Application

For information on the Richard Theodore Greener Endowment Fund Scholarship click on link below or contact Johnathan Kirkwood at

Hearts Day At Spring Valley

Students and faculty take the opportunity to sign each other's hearts on Valentine's Day.

Candidates for the 2013 Presidential Scholars Program

Courtney S. Noh
Jae H. Ro
Congratulations to Courtney S. Noh and Jae H. Ro for being named candidates for the 2013 Presidential Scholars Program, which recognizes and honors some of the nation's most distinguished graduating high school seniors.

“This honor represents many years of hard work in and out of the classroom,” said Dr. Katie Brochu, Superintendent. “I am very proud of these two students and their long list of accomplishments.”

Candidates are invited to apply for the competition based on excellence in academics or arts, though the majority is selected on the basis of broad academic achievement. The names of semifinalists are announced in early April; the names of Scholars are released in May. The presidential scholars are invited to participate in National Recognition Weekend in Washington, D.C., which includes a ceremony sponsored by the White House. Each Scholar is asked to identify a teacher who made an impact on him or her; the educators are invited to attend the events including a special reception. They are also presented with a Teacher Recognition Award.

Congratulations to Lucretia Glover

Congratulations to Lucretia Glover of the Math Department, recipient of the Innovative Teacher Award!

27th Annual SV Education Foundation Auction

Please support our school by coming out to our Education Foundation’s 27th Annual Auction on Saturday, February 23rd, beginning at 6:00 PM at The Members Club at WildeWood Tennis Center.

Tickets are $25 in advance for this fun evening with great food and hundreds of items for bid in all price ranges – all to benefit Spring Valley High School and your student.  Call 699.3500 x. 69061 for more information.

Congratulations Spring Valley Air Force JROTC Drill Team

Spring Valley High School Viking Air Force JROTC wins the 2013 Low Country Drill Regional  Championship at Charleston Southern University.

Spring Valley’s Vikings Drill Team defeated 12 Army and Air Force High Schools to win the 2013 Low Country Regional Championship for the 18th consecutive year.  The competition was hosted by Charleston Southern University (CSU) Aerospace Club, Saturday, February 9, 2013.  

Open House February 19th

Please join us for Open House, February 19, 5:00 - 7:00 PM, in the Spring Valley Commons. Meet your student's second semester teachers and pick up the first interim report for nine weeks three.  Stop by room E 103 for help adding teacher calendars or the school's Calendar of Events or Athletics Calendar to your own, or to learn how to follow SVHS online.  We hope to see you there.

National Signing Day

Congratulations to Joey Maxberry and his family.  Joey signed with Carson Newman on National Signing Day.

Food Pantry Donations Needed

We live in a world where many wake up in poverty and go to sleep hungry.  The food pantry relies on the generosity of organizations and individuals like you to help feed those in need. Nutrition affects learning ability and in some cases behavior; students need to eat in order to prepare their minds for learning.  Spring Valley High School wants to instill the life skills of caring and service amongst their students. The food pantry will serve students/families at Spring Valley High School and surrounding Richland School District Two schools, as well. The food pantry relies on the generosity of individuals, communities and organizations to help decrease barriers such as hunger in the learning environment and needs your help. 

Job Opportunities For Students

A new restaurant is opening in Northeast Columbia....Quaker Steak and Lube, located by the Harley Davidson Thunder Tower off Spears Creek Road.  Apply in person Monday through Friday from 10 am to 4 pm or on line at  They plan to hire about 100 people.  See Mrs. Morgan in E330 for more details.

2013 Princeton Review 150 Best Value Colleges

Click to view story

CIC Scholarship Information

Click image to view

SVHS Students on Official Google Chrome Blog!

All-State Orchestra

Congratulations to Troy Herrmann and William Edwards for earning seats in the All-State Orchestra.  Troy and William are the only two students from our district to earn seats in the All-State Orchestra.   Troy is 1st chair in the Senior ( 11-12 graders) Orchestra, and William is 4th chair in the Clinic (9-10 graders) Orchestra.

Region 3 Band

Congratulations to the following students who earned a seat in the Region 3 Band! 

Clinic Region Band:
David Coulter- 4th Alternate Flute, 
Emily Whitlow- 2nd Alternate oboe
Nicholas Threatt- 2nd chair Bassoon, 
Tyler Froelich- 8th chair Clarinet, 
Zach Tomatz- 4th chair Trumpet, 
Aaron Roach- 6th chair Trumpet,
Justin Stombler- 4th Alternate trumpet, 
Arianna Lee- 3rd chair Horn.

Senior Region Band:
Liqi Zhao- 5th chair Flute, 
Nicole Lazar-4th Alternate Flute, 
Brennan Booker- 1st chair Oboe, 
Orializ Martinez- 5th Alternate Clarinet,
Paul Currey- 4th chair Trumpet, 
Ryan McCormick- 16th chair Trumpet, 
Darren Woodland- 1st Alternate Trombone, 
Zonnie Harper- 3rd chair Euphonium

All-State Band

Congratulations to the following students who earned a seat in the All-State Band! 

All State Clinic Band (9th and 10th grade):
William Edwards- 4th chair Horn, 
Arianna Lee- 3rd Alternate Horn, 
Nicolas Threatt- 2nd Alternate Bassoon.

All-State Senior Band (11th and 12th grade):
Mimi Harding- 10th chair Flute,
Troy Herrmann- 1st chair Horn, 
Jonathan Lee- 7th chair Trombone.

Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS)

On Friday, February 1st, our Discovery students competed against students from across SC.  All of our students did an excellent job with their oral presentations.  Spring Valley students were chosen for 5 of the 6 finalist spots (based on their morning presentations) and presented again in front of all of the participants and teachers in the afternoon.  Final standings were as follows:

1st place: Kimberly McRae (senior)
2nd place: William Edwards (sophomore)
4th place: David Hodge (junior)
5th Place: Bushra Islam (junior)
1st alternate: Courtney Noh (senior)

First through fifth place will attend the National JSHS competition in Dayton, Ohio on May 1-5, 2013 (all-expenses paid).  Kimberly and William will compete for college scholarships.  David and Bushra will attend as Observers.  Please join me in congratulating these students as well as their research teachers, Theresa Bailey, Dale Soblo, and Michelle Spigner.

Students that were not semifinalists, but competed in other sessions also did well.  Jason Erno (sophomore) and Ben Fechter (junior) won first place in their sessions.

Distracted Driving Program Coming to SVHS

We are pleased to announce that AAA Carolinas has partnered with the South Carolina Public Safety Foundation to introduce a training program at Spring Valley High School to educate students on the potentially dangerous consequences of distracted driving. See the results of the survey Spring Valley students recently completed.