AP Exams are May 5-16

Reminders for students and parents.
  • Absolutely no cell phones, PDAs, cameras, watches that alarm, etc. in the testing room or during the break.  Leave these in your locker.
  • No drinks except water in CLEAR (NOT COLORED) bottles.  No food at tables.
  • Do not wear cologne, perfume, etc. due to allergies of some students.
  • Do not wear noisy jewelry.
  • No clothing with subject matter printed on it
  • Bring your school ID to keep on your table.
  • Bring #2 sharpened pencils and a pen w/blue or black ink.
  • Morning exams begin at 7:30, please be seated before then.            (Make transportation arrangements!!)
  • Afternoon exams begin at 12:30, please be seated before then.        (Make transportation arrangements. Most exams end around 4:00.)
  • Bring calculators and fresh batteries for exams that require them.
  • Bring  a snack (nothing messy)  and water for the break. 
  • STUDY!!!