Prom Tickets - On Sale February 8th

Prom tickets will be sold on Wednesday's and Thursday's at lunch in the atrium lobby. Seniors receive one free ticket but they must sign up and not have any outstanding fees. If a senior's date is from another school, they must purchase a date ticket.

There are two ticket prices - a single ticket and a couple ticket. The couple tickets are $10 more. Get your tickets early because the prices will go up!

Date                              Single                  Couple          
Feb.  8, 9                            25                         35
Feb. 15, 16, 22, 23             35                         45

Mar.  1, 2, 8, 9                    45                         55

March 15, 16, 22, 23          55                         65

March 29, 30                      65                         75
April  5, 6, 19, 20

April 26, 27                        75                          85

Tickets at the door - $100 each (no couples tickets will be sold at the door)