Spring Valley did more than just host the Viking Gauntlet Challenge, a state-qualifying VEX Robotics Competition, we also won it. Nearly forty teams from around the state, including two from Spring Valley, competed in the VEX Starstruck tournament, held Saturday February 4th in the Spring Valley gym. Spring Valley's first team, 120E Green & Gold Robotics, finished 8th in match play, scored 10th in robot skills, led the 5th alliance, and reached the semifinals. Our second team, 120V Viking Logic, finished 14th in match play, scored 5th in robot skills, joined the 2nd alliance, and won the tournament!
The winning alliance (pictured) consisted of 7447C Twisted Wire from Pickens County Career & Technology Center in Liberty, 916A BobCATS from Center for Advanced Technical Studies in Chapin, and 120V Viking Logic from Spring Valley High School in Columbia. As for the other awards, 916A BobCATS won the Excellence Award, 9623B WARP Drive (B) from West Ashley High School in Charleston won the Design Award, 7447D MaxBot from Pickens County Career & Technology Center won the Judges Award and was the Robot Skills Winner, and 8659C Code Charlie from Goose Creek High School in Goose Creek won the Sportsmanship Award.
All the teams had a great time working with each other in the pits and on the practice fields, competing with and against each other on the main competition fields, and challenging their robots solo on the skills field. For example, Ben Deese and Tyson Ansani (pictured) were very pleased with the autonomous behavior of their team 120V's robot in the Programming Skills challenge. Many parents, students, family, and friends volunteered to make the event, run by Computer Science Teacher and VEX Robotics Teams Coach Tammy Vaught, a success. Thanks to all the volunteers, competitors, and spectators and special congratulations the students of 120V.