Sixty-one teams competed in the SC Palmetto Partners State Championship at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center on Saturday. At the end of the qualification round, 120V Viking Logic finished 6th in match play and 13th in robot skills, while 120E Green & Gold Robotics finished 20th in match play and 21st in robot skills.It was a very exciting day for Spring Valley's teams, as they were each in first place at different times for a good chunk of the day. What helped both teams do so well was their autonomous programming: both teams won 5 out of 6 of the autonomous time periods in their qualification matches.
In the elimination round, where the top teams choose 2 alliance partners to form 8 3-team alliances for a championship bracket, 120V Viking Logic led the 5th alliance and 120E Green & Gold Robotics joined the 7th alliance. Both alliances competed valiantly; alas neither advanced to the semifinals. Still it was a very good day for Spring Valley's VEX Robotics Teams and their coach Spring Valley Computer Science teacher Mrs. Tammy Vaught.