Students who are currently enrolled in English 1 will take the English 1 Writing Field Test this week on Tuesday or Wednesday and the English 1 EOC next week on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. English 1 teachers will provide the test time and location.
A few reminders...
Bring your CHARGED Chromebook for testing.
DO NOT alter any setting on your Chromebook (for example, do not change your keyboard to another language, etc.)
PAY ATTENTION to the testing pass your teacher gave you.
EOC Testing Schedule:
5/8-5/10: English 1 Writing Field Test
5/17-19: English 1 EOC
5/22: Algebra 1 EOC
5/23: Biology 1 and US History EOC
If you are a SENIOR taking an EOC, please be aware your testing schedule is different. Notice the dates and times below. All SENIORS should report to the Multi-Purpose Room at the designated times on the designated dates:
English 1 EOC for SENIORS only: 5/17 at the beginning of 2nd period.
US History EOC for SENIORS only: 5/17 at the beginning of 5th period.
Algebra 1 EOC for SENIORS only: 5/18 at the beginning of 2nd period.
Biology 1 EOC for SENIORS only: 5/18 at the beginning of 5th period.