
Do you know what a JUUL is? A JUUL is a brand of e-cigarette or vaping device introduced into the market in 2015. A JUUL is sleek, resembles a thumb drive/ flash drive, and can be discreetly concealed in a fist or a pocket, but it packs a potent dose of nicotine and the emissions or “smoke” are difficult to see, making them intriguing to adolescents. They are readily available in vaping shops and online and come in youth-friendly flavors. A JUUL contains twice the concentration of nicotine found in other e-cigarettes, which makes them highly addictive. This increases the risk of progressing to traditional cigarettes.

Until recently, JUULs were not regulated by the FDA, but this week the agency announced immediate steps to regulate and crack down on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. At the recommendation of the FDA, eBay has taken steps to remove e-cigarette listings and implement new measures to prevent them being posted to its website. The FDA is reaching out to the manufacturers directly to hold them accountable for the marketing and sales to minors.

Start a conversation with your child today. Ask them what they know about JUULing. You may be surprised how much they know.

For more information on JUULing and the FDA response, click HERE.