Cap and Gown Pictures - Tomorrow

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Multi-Purpose Room, 9:30 am - 4:15 pm

Cap and Gown pictures will be taken throughout the day on Wednesday, April 13 in the Multi-Purpose Room. Students have the option of signing up using the following link:

Students can only sign up during a time in which they do not have a class, for instance during late start, early dismiss, or study hall. Students without breaks in their schedule may sign up during lunch or after school. Students do not have to bring their own cap and gown, but boys are encouraged to wear a button down shirt with a bow tie or tie of their choice. Girls simply need to wear a shirt that does not have a high neck (so it won't be seen at the top of the graduation gown). 

Pictures must be prepaid by either signing up online or by bringing in cash/check the day of the pictures (see attached form). For those unable to be at school on  April 13, the studio is taking appointments for one day only, April 21, to take make-up pictures. If you need to make an appointment, call 788-1620. 

For any additional questions, please contact Mrs. Brindel at