Winter Days 2016 Kick-off: "Seeing Is Believing"

Winter Days 2016 is kicking off tomorrow!! Winter Days is the largest annual school-wide project at Spring Valley High School. The project consists of many charitable drives that benefit a number of local community agencies. Winter Days is completely student directed. Students plan and implement all phases of the overall project through a hierarchical leadership system. Committee chairs survey agency needs, set collection goals, and begins the challenge of coordinating this large effort in the weeks before Thanksgiving. Our drives start tomorrow and run through December 15th, the day before our school-wide assembly. 

This year our goals are: 
16,500 Cans and Non-perishables
600 New Toys
$7,500 for the Make-A-Wish South Carolina Foundation
85 Foster Children
850 Children’s Books
300 Cleaning supplies
600 Homeless outreach bags
150 Stuffed Stockings 

Starting tomorrow, we will have Winter Days boxes placed in all classrooms at Spring Valley. Donations can be dropped off in classrooms!! Additionally, we will have our Winter Days chairs collecting monetary donations for Make-A-Wish and working with students, classrooms, and families to adopt Foster Children. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about how to get involved at Direct lines of contact are 
Winter Days Committee Chairs
Tanvi Mehta, Winter Days Chair
Max Miller, Winter Days Junior Co-Chair
Keshav Nair, Winter Days Sophomore Co-Chair
Olisa Ashford, Student Activities Director