We have seen an increase in the number of students arriving tardy on campus. This is occurring each day and, most excessively, on Late Start Wednesday mornings.
Students miss important instructional time when they arrive late to school.
If a student misses 15 minutes of a skinny class, or 30 minutes of a block class, they receive an absence for that class for that day. If students accumulate more than 10 absences in a skinny class, or more than 20 absences in a block class, they risk failing the course for attendance.
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, class begins at 8:40 am. This means students must be in their classroom by 8:40 am. Car riders should arrive on campus no later than 8:10 am on these mornings in order to ensure they have enough time to navigate the car rider line and make it to class by 8:40 am. Parents should not stop on Sparkleberry Lane to let their children out of the car as this slows all traffic on Sparkleberry Lane and is unsafe for the students.
Late Start occurs on most Wednesday mornings and class begins at 9:30 am on those days. This means students must be in their classroom by 9:30 am. Car riders should arrive on campus no later than 9:00 am on Late Start Wednesdays in order to ensure they have enough time to navigate the car rider line and make it to class by 9:30 am. Parents should not stop on Sparkleberry Lane to let their children out of the car as this slows all traffic on Sparkleberry Lane and is unsafe for the students. It is important to remember that Late Start is not a day for late arrival.