Key Club District Convention 2019

Spring Valley's Key Club Officers attended the Carolina's Key Club District Convention March 22-24 in Durham, NC.  Please congratulate Caroline Agostini for earning the position of Lt. Governor for our division, and Vamsi Gorrepati for placing 3rd in the Impromptu Essay Contest. Also, congratulations to the whole club for earning a Distinguished Club Award.  For more information about each award, please see the descriptions below.

Thank you for your continued support!

 DIVISIONAL LT. GOVERNOR The Lieutenant Governor is the executive officer of the Division and presides over all divisional conferences and meetings. The Lieutenant Governor also serves on one or more standing District Committees as assigned by the District Board. Each Lt. Governor is responsible for communicating with the officers within the division, promoting district activities and providing information about the organization 

IMPROMPTU ESSAY CONTEST All Key Club members in the Carolinas District that are in good standing are eligible to compete. Each participant will be given 60 minutes to write an essay on a subject selected by the Carolinas District Administrator during a designated time during convention. Please refer to your program card for details on location and time. Awards will be given to the first, second, and third place essay. 

DISTINGUISHED CLUB AWARD The Distinguished Club Award program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development, Kiwanis family involvement, service and fund-raising as judged against a pre-established standard of excellence. Entries shall use the official Annual Achievement Report form, located in the current year’s Key Club International Guidebook and on the website. Entries are judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the club Annual Achievement Report. Only activities that occur from district convention to district convention shall be included.