WIN Testing TOMORROW for all Third-Year Students!


All third-year students will take the WIN career-readiness assessment tomorrow, Tuesday, April 17th.  Information about testing room locations has been sent to you.  Please check your e-mail!

Testing Schedule (April 17th):

Early Bird - 7:30-8:25
**Non-testing students report to the Main Gym upon arrival to school and all testing students report to their assigned location starting at 8:25 AM.
8:40-1:15 PM  Testing: WIN- SC Career Readiness Assessment for all 3rd Year Students
8:40- 12:35 PM Guest speaker and grade level rotations for all non-testing students
12:35-1:15 PM  LUNCH - For Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors
1:20-2:01 PM- 5th Period - 3rd Year Students will eat lunch, all other students will be in class
2:06-2:47 PM- 6th Period
2:52-3:33 PM- 7th Period

**This schedule may be adjusted to accommodate testing if needed. 

The Ready to Work assessment is a workforce education and development tool, comprised of three proctored assessments, Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information, leading to a work ready credential. It brings employers, learners/job-seekers, and education/workforce partners together in building a skilled workforce, while keeping and attracting businesses with higher-wage jobs and national economic growth.

The WIN Essential Soft Skills assessment is composed of questions measuring entry-level work tasks and behaviors, including cooperate with others, resolve conflict and negotiate, solve problems and make decisions, observe critically, and take responsibility for learning. The assessment items require the learner to choose two answers for each question, the “best” and “worst” answers for handling each situation.