Save the Date- Fall 2020 Student Orientation
Summer Meals from Richland Two
Pick up your Yearbook starting tomorrow, Wednesday June 24th!
Yearbooks distribution starts tomorrow! Pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed at the front of Spring Valley High School on Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25 from 10am -1pm on both days. This will be a drive-thru event and students will not get out of the car. Students must bring your student ID for identification and will be required to sign for their copy of the yearbook. Please bring your own pen.
Yearbooks are almost sold out, but there are a few available to sell. If you would like to pre-order one before June 24, please visit They are no longer available to purchase through Parent Portal. Any additional questions about yearbooks can be sent to Mrs. Lisa Brindel at
SVHS Football Parent/Player Virtual Meeting- June 24th 5:00 and 6:00 pm
Class of 2020, a Gift from Gear Up!
Yearbooks are HERE!!
Yearbooks have finally arrived! Pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed at the front of Spring Valley High School on Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25 from 10am -1pm on both days. This will be a drive-thru event and students will not get out of the car. Students must bring your student ID for identification and will be required to sign for their copy of the yearbook. Please bring your own pen.
Yearbooks are almost sold out, but there are a few available to sell. If you would like to pre-order one before June 24, please visit They are no longer available to purchase through Parent Portal. Any additional questions about yearbooks can be sent to Mrs. Lisa Brindel at
2020 SVHS CATE Design Award Winner- MiKayla Turner
Gift for Class of 2020 from Gear Up
Yearbooks are HERE!

Verto Virtual College Fair
Congratulations to Our Class of 2020
College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship Winners
Johnathan Brown, Ahad Chattha, Jacob Ho, Connor Myrick, Elizabeth Ream, and Amal Verma have been named 2020 College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship winners!
Ahad Ashraf Chattha is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship® award for the National Merit University of South Carolina Scholarship.
Jacob L Ho is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship® award for the
National Merit University of Florida Scholarship.
Connor P Myrick is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship® award for the
National Merit Clemson University Scholarship.
Elizabeth M Ream is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship® award for the
National Merit Clemson University Scholarship.
Amal Verma is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship® award for the
National Merit University of Maryland Scholarship.
Today, National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced over 3,300 winners of National Merit Scholarships financed by U.S. colleges and universities. Officials of each sponsor college selected their scholarship winners from among the Finalists in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program who plan to attend their institution. These awards provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. An additional group of Scholars will be announced in July, bringing the total number of college-sponsored Merit Scholarship recipients in the 2020 competition to about 4,100.
This year, 167 higher education institutions are underwriting Merit Scholarship awards
through the National Merit Scholarship Program. Sponsor colleges and universities include 92
private and 75 public institutions located in 43 states and the District of Columbia.
College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners announced today are a part of the distinguished group of about 7,600 high school seniors who will receive National Merit Scholarships for college undergraduate study worth over $30 million. Earlier this spring, NMSC announced winners of corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards and National Merit $2500 Scholarships.
2020 National Merit Scholarship Competition
Over 1.5 million juniors in approximately 21,000 high schools entered the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program when they took the 2018 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. Last fall, approximately 16,000 Semifinalists were named on a state-representational basis in numbers proportional to each state’s percentage of the national total of graduating high school seniors. Semifinalists were the highest-scoring program entrants in each state and represented less than one percent of the nation’s seniors.
To compete for Merit Scholarship awards, Semifinalists first had to advance to the Finalist level of the competition by fulfilling additional requirements. Each Semifinalist was asked to submit a detailed scholarship application, which included writing an essay and providing information about extracurricular activities, awards, and leadership positions. Semifinalists also had to have an outstanding academic record, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, and earn SAT® or ACT® scores that confirmed the qualifying test performance. From the Semifinalist group, some 15,000 met requirements for Finalist standing, and about half of the Finalists will be Merit Scholarship winners in 2020.
NMSC, a not-for-profit corporation that operates without government assistance, was established in 1955 to conduct the National Merit Scholarship Program. The majority of National Merit Scholarships provided each year are made possible by the support of approximately 400 independent corporate and college sponsors. These sponsors join NMSC in its efforts to enhance educational opportunities for America’s scholastically talented youth and to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence.
On behalf of Spring Valley High School Faculty and Staff, we would like to congratulate the "Class of 2020" on your well-deserved success! We wish you the best in your future endeavors and look forward to seeing and hearing about the wonderful contributions each of you will make in your community, country, and the world. You will always be a Viking and a member of the Spring Valley family!
Spring Valley Summer Reading
Summer Packet for Ms.Fowler's AP Calculus AB Course
If you would like to receive updated information about the summer packet, fill out this form to be added to the summer Google Classroom.