Distracted Driving Awareness

AAA Carolinas and the SC Dept. of Public Safety have been working with SVHS to get the message out to students about the dangers of texting while driving. They chose SVHS to initiate their "Distracted Driving Awareness" campaign. So far they sent videos of victims of distracted driving that our health classes and other students have viewed. Our student body was given an opportunity to respond to a survey that asked them questions regarding distracted driving, the results of which have been mentioned in an article on public safety. 

They also provided us with drive / break simulators that we are using in one of our computer labs to simulate the dangers of texting while driving. They are setting up a coned obstacle course with golf carts on the football practice field on April 25th so the health students can get a more realistic experience of driving with and without texting. They set up a 220 word essay contest at our school where students submit their essay online and earn a chance to receive $150, $100 and $50 in prizes. The essay, "How can we change the attitude and behavior concerning texting while driving, especially among teenagers" gives every student an opportunity to participate. Finally, they are providing a guest speaker for our juniors and seniors next week prior to the Junior Senior Prom. The speaker, Presley Melton, was a victim of distracted driving and has a powerful message for our student body.