"Military Academy Day 2014" is hosted by US Senator Lindsey Graham in partnership with the SC Congressional Delegation. Students in grades 8th-12th are invited to attend and learn more about life at a Service Academy as well as the application and nomination process. The program takes place on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at the National Advocacy Center (1620 Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC). Doors open at 9:30 am for registration, and the program will go from 10:30 - 12pm. The program includes presentations from the following: US Air Force Academy, US Coast Guard Academy, US Merchant Marine Academy, US Military Academy at West Point, US Naval Academy and ROTC.
There is no cost to attend and dress is business casual. JROTC cadets are welcome to wear their uniforms, if they wish.
PLEASE RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 19 AT militaryacademyday2014@lgraham.senate.gov
Seating is limited so you must register to attend.