Please congratulate the following students who were selected for membership into the National Technical Honor Society.
Aiya Almogaber Ciara Gordon Chelsea Navarro
Faith Anderson Djimon Gordon Sung Hyun Oh
Michael Asbury Katlin Graham Pasion Roach
Tyler Baker Taja Grayson Arthur Robinson
Allison Beatty Jzalynn Green Keyling Rodriquez
Calabria Bowie Chandler Hamilton Malarie Schexnider
Kaara Brown Tyler Huggin Christian Scott
Dylan Burke Alicia Jacobs Lia Singleton
Gabrielle Coward Davon Keith Maggie Tolar
Mariah Diamond Connor Kreese Rochelle Tuazon
Alyssa Driggers Sara Levitt Quynh Giao Vu
Joseph Duncan Donte’ Mackey Dahja Weston
Graham Fengler Alexis Mayorga Alex Whitson
Samaria Gaines Madeline Mazoue Zach Whitson
Robert Gantt Gabrielle McGee Prishae Wilson
Nicole Gilliard Sadie Meeks Caira Wilson