CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Championship

Pictured L-R: Maggie McKissen, Paul Dubberly, Josh Roper, and Brennan Ravan.
Spring Valley's robotics club team 120E Green & Gold Robotics went 5-5 at the CREATE U.S. Open Robotics Championship in Council Bluffs, Iowa. We had a great time and learned a lot from the experience. We were one of 5 teams from South Carolina; West Ashley High School sent 3 teams (9623 W.A.R.P. Drive A, B, and C) and Goose Creek High School sent 1 team (8659G Binary Botz). Spring Valley competed in the High School Black Division and finished 36th out of 82 teams. The Binary Botz did a bit better finishing 22nd, while W.A.R.P. Drive A and C did a bit worse finishing 69th and 45th, respectively. W.A.R.P. Drive B competed in the Green Division, finishing 51st out of 85 teams. The results of the skills challenges were similar, except that Green & Gold Robotics did a little worse in driving skills, while W.A.R.P. Drive B stepped up and finished 9th in programming skills. All 5 South Carolina teams represented the state well. The future is bright for robotics in South Carolina!