Discovery Students Soar at the International Science and Engineering Fair

Based on their outstanding research projects presented at the USC Region II Science Fair, Discovery students Gillian Patton (11) and Elizabeth “Lily” Shytle (10) were chosen to participate in the 2018 International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Pittsburgh, PA, May 13th-18th.  Gillian presented her research project in the category of Biochemistry to several different judges on Wednesday and then to over 300 Pennsylvania schoolchildren on Thursday as part of the Public Outreach Day. There were more than 1800 finalist projects and 81 countries/ territories represented.

Of these finalists, Gillian won 3rd place in the world ($1000) in her category. Lily participated in Observer Day activities at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History followed by a Student Project Share where students shared information about their own projects and research with their peers in a small group setting. They also had the opportunity to view all of the finalists’ projects.  The students truly enjoyed experiencing Pittsburgh as well as the ISEF-sponsored fun-filled evening events.  Many thanks to the University of South Carolina and Blue Cross Blue Shield for sponsoring both the Region 2 Science and Engineering Fair and the trip to ISEF.