Make Your Electives Count is a seminar series designed to inform students about Career and Technical Education also known as CTE. English 1, 2 and 3 classes attended the day-long seminar hosted by Spring Valley's Office of Workbased Learning. Students learned what courses to take toward CTE completion. Many discovered that they had already taken courses that could easily pair with 1 or 2 others to complete a program of study. Others were delighted to find that they could achieve "double-completion". CTE completion is one of 9 criteria outlined by the SDE for students to receive their CCR or College and Career Readiness designation. This year, more than 100 seniors will be honored as CTE completers. These students have not only completed their CTE course work, but have also earned an industry credential to complement their programs of study. Some interesting facts about CTE include:
- 95% of CTE students graduate high school, which is 10% higher than the national average;
- 78% of CTE graduates enroll in post-secondary education full-time;
- Between 2012 and 2022, there will be 50,557,900 job openings for CTE graduates. Of those jobs, 15,627,500 (30.9%) will be new