The Shahani Scholarship

This scholarship is given to honor and celebrate the formative impact that Spring Valley High School had on the academic success of Ashwin Shahani. Five Shahani Scholarships of $5000 each will be awarded to the Spring Valley High School class of 2020. The scholarship funding is designated to be used for on-campus room and boarding expenses.

Dr.Shahani is a 2008 graduate of the Spring Valley High School Discovery program and is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan. Ashwin joined the University of Michigan as Assistant Professor in September 2016. He earned his B.S. from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University, both degrees in the field of Materials Science and Engineering. It is at Northwestern, that Ashwin developed his passion for solidification science.

Recipients must have a GPA of 3.5 and should demonstrate that they could benefit financially from the scholarship. Applicants will attach an essay of 2000 words or less. In the first essay, the applicant should describe their career ambitions and in the second essay, the applicant should describe their outreach and leadership activities.

One Teacher or faculty recommendation is required and should be used to substantiate your eligibility for each applied scholarship and your personal commitment to education.

The committee will conduct interviews with applicants as a final stage in the decision process.

Applications Due no later than March 1, 2020