SAT Tips

The Career Information Center would like to pass along some SAT tips that were provided by

Every year, students and parents plan for the SAT with a sense of dread. The good news is, it’s not that complicated if you know what to expect. Follow these steps to a better SAT score.

Learn how the test is scored. For example, it’s best to leave the most difficult questions blank. Each correct answer is worth one point. The penalty is greater for incorrect answers than for questions left blank.

Start early. Begin preparing for the SAT at least six months in advance. This might sound very dull, but it will pay off in the end.  You can’t cram for the SAT. They’re designed to test how you think about and respond to new information. Starting early helps you build up your endurance. The SAT involves focusing on test taking for many hours at a time. The more you practice, the easier this will become.

Don’t over complicate your essay. Clear, concise writing is best. A well-written essay opens with a clear statement of position, followed by two to three examples that back up the statement, followed by a closing paragraph that ties everything together.

Build up your vocabulary. The more you read, the better writer you will be and the more words you’ll be able to identify correctly on the test.

Be careful on multiple choice questions. The test writers often try to lead you down the wrong path in the multiple choice section of the test. Just take your time and read the questions and answers carefully before choosing the right answer.