8:40-12:15 Testing: WorkKeys
**Non-testing students report to the Main Gym upon arrival to school
12:15-1:00 LUNCH
1:05-1:38 1st Period
1:43-2:16 2nd Period
2:21-2:54 3rd Period
2:59-3:33 4th Period
This schedule may be adjusted to accommodate testing, if needed.
WorkKeys Testing Student Information:
All third year students will take the WorkKeys Assessment. Report to your assigned testing room no later than 8:40 am. Testing will begin promptly after the bell rings.
Testing room assignments were sent to students at their school Gmail address. All ACT testing will take place on the 3rd floor or in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Students who are testing should eat a good breakfast Wednesday morning. Snacks will not be provided during the testing break. If students need a snack during they testing break, they should bring it with them on Wednesday. Students also need to bring two #2 pencils, their plastic student ID or driver's license (paper ID's cannot be accepted by WorkKeys), and their own calculator or a calculator they checked out from a math teacher today. Off campus Juniors may not have time to leave campus for lunch after testing.
Non-Testing Student Information:
All non-testing students will report directly to the Main Gym Tuesday morning. Non-testing students will hear from speaker David Jones from the Department of Public Safety-Highway Patrol about Distracted Driving. After the speaker, students will participate team building/problem solving/communication activities in the Main Gym.