Make A Donation to Make Wish Foundation for Winter Days


Winter days will again be assisting Make A Wish SC by helping to raise $7,500 for a child that is battling a life-threatening medical condition. No matter how big or small, every contribution helps, and is greatly appreciated.

Through the Make A Wish Foundation, a wish experience can be a game-changer for a child with a life-threatening medical condition.  Wishes are more than just a nice thing. And they are far more than gifts, or singular events in time. Wishes impact everyone involved - wish kids, volunteers, donors, sponsors, medical professionals, and communities. The impact varies.  For wish kids, just the act of making their wish come true can give them the courage to comply with their medical treatments. Parents might finally feel like they can be optimistic. And still, others might realize all they have to offer the world through volunteer work or philanthropy.   

Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors, and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish ®vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. In the United States and its territories, on average, a wish is granted every 37 minutes. Whatever the odds, whatever the obstacles ... wishes find a way to make the world better.

On behalf of the Winter Days service project, as well as the children involved in Make-A-Wish, we are asking you to please consider these children in need, and make a monetary donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation through Winter Days. We would be grateful for any monetary donation you would be willing to provide. You may donate by going to the link below and clicking the blue button that says “DONATE to this fundraiser.”


Your donation is tax deductible.  Please reference Tax ID # 57-0478185 for your Make-A-Wish/Winter Days donation. Additionally, if you would like to pay by check, please make ALL checks payable to the Spring Valley Education Foundation or SVEF and referencing (Winter Days Donation) on the for/memo line at the bottom of your check.  Checks may be dropped off in Student Activities (C127).

Thank you for your kindness and consideration. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Olisa Ashford, Student Activities Director, Spring Valley High School at 699.3500 ext. 69253. Best wishes for this coming season.

Moji Awe Sreeja Varanasi
2017 Make A Wish Chair 2017 Make A Wish Senior Chair