2020 SCYC Summer Fellows

We are now accepting applications for 2020 SCYC Summer Fellows! 

South Carolina Youth Collective (SCYC) Summer Fellows program is coming up this summer, from June 8-12th, 2020. The program will be a week-long virtual fellowship where teens will learn about social justice, civil rights, and activism in order to start a change-making project in their own communities. 

Due to COVID-19, SCYC Summer Fellows will be offered virtually. While we are disappointed to not be able to gather in person, we are excited that the virtual format allows us to accept everyone who applies and to reach teens from across the state, region, and nation!

The SCYC Fellows are social justice and civics minded high school students from across South Carolina. Students will participate in community building exercises, learn civil rights history through activities and virtual field trips, plan to lead a workshop on race and reconciliation, and learn how to plan and implement a project in their home community.

Come build lasting bonds with other SCYC Fellows!

Rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply.  This project is generously supported by the Knight Foundation Fund at Central Carolina Community Foundation and the Lipscomb Family Foundation. 

There is no charge to participate. Click this link to apply.