2014 Scholastic Art Winners

Hannah Gorman
Alexander Kohel

Normally the Scholastic Art Awards are judged in each state, this year we had to submit to compete with the entire Southeast Region. The Southeast Art Region-at-Large is comprised of areas that do not have regional Scholastic Art Award programs and includes Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina and West Virginia, as well as parts of Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Meisha Draper
Hannah Gorman
Out of all of those states, Spring Valley had 11 works selected, including 6 Gold Keys that will all go on to compete at National this summer.

Gold Key: The highest level of achievement on the regional level. Approximately 7 – 10% of all regional submissions are recognized with Gold Key Awards and all are considered for national-level recognition.
Silver Key: Approximately 10 – 15% of all regional submissions are recognized with Silver Key Awards.
Honorable Mention: This award recognizes students with artistic potential. Approximately 15 – 20% of all regional submissions receive Honorable Mention Awards.

Jedidiah Gist

GOLD Keys!

  • Anna Petitgout - Gold Key - Drawing - “Terrifying Kaleidoscope”
  • Alexander Kohel - Gold Key - Digital Art - “Floating Castle”
  • Hannah Gorman - Gold Key - Painting - “Snail"
  • Hannah Gorman - Gold Key - Painting - “Marbles”
  • Jedidiah Gist - Gold Key -Digital Art - “Built In The Sky”
  • Claudia Younan
  • Kamilah Keeton, Darius Brown, Evan Moore, Andrew Marino, and Najar Wilson - Gold Key - Film and Animation "Random"
  • Meisha Draper -  Silver Key - Drawing “A Day In The Life”
  • Young Oh - Silver Key - Drawing “School Still”
Honorable Mentions!
  • Claudia Younan - Honorable Mention - Drawing  “The Way You See Me”
  • Claudia Younan - Honorable Mention - Drawing  “Figurative Nature
  • Anna Petitgout - Honorable Mention - Drawing “Face Your Fears”

Anna Petitgout
Young Oh