SV Finishes 1st at the USC High School Math Contest

On Saturday, February 1st, the Spring Valley Math Team, chaperoned by Stephanie Fowler,  competed at the University of South Carolina.  Our team finished 1st in Division 1 by a large margin.  They competed against several top schools.  

Gregory Rassolov, Richard Chen, and Jenniing Chen qualified for the head to head, single elimination tournament.  

Gregory Rassolov finished first place overall and Richard Chen finished in second place.

Math team members that participated were: Greg Rassolov, Richard Chen, Jenning Chen, Albert Huang, Guillermo Pineda, Mohammad Arammash, Arif Siddiqi, Jayanath Vemula, Surabhi Poola, Anvith Deeconda, and Vinita Cheepurupalli. Congratulations to all these inspiring students!