Congratulations to Miss Vinita Cheepurupalli for winning first place on her individual website entitled Margaret Sanger, Woman Rebel: Crusading Against the Censorship of Birth Control at this year's National History Day Competition in South Carolina.
Each fall, over half a million students nationwide begin the year-long National History Day program, competing in a series of history contests in their local schools, regions and affiliates. The top students in each category are selected for participation in the national contest. Participating students choose their own topics of study and research from original sources based on the theme: Taking a Stand in History. National History Day students research historic documents and artifacts, conduct oral histories, search the Internet for information on their topics and travel to historic sites. They present their work in a variety of ways, by creating exhibits, documentaries, performances, websites or historical research paper.
This is the second year that Vinita won first place at both the state and regional NHD competition and the honor of representing the state of South Carolina at the NHD nationals. The national annual Kenneth E. Behring National History Day contest will be held at the University of Maryland from June 11-15.