School Improvement Council (SIC) Self-Nomination Form 2015-2016

The SVHS School Improvement Council (SIC) is made up of an elected and appointed membership that includes students, parents, teachers, administrators and community representatives. This is mandated by state law and written in our bylaws which are available upon request. Each year, two parent/guardian representatives from grade levels are elected to two year terms on a rotating basis. 

For the 2015-16 school year parents/guardians of Sophomore, Junior and Senior students are invited to submit their name(s) for election. NOMINATIONS can be submitted online, mailed in or dropped off in the Main Office of the school. Completed self-nomination forms are due in the Main Office by September 4, 2015. After September 7th, a profile/summary of all those seeking election will be available to all the parents/guardians of SVHS students. Click here for SIC self-nomination form 2015-2016.

ELECTIONS will take place on September 10, 2015; parents may vote throughout the day in the main office, or during Open House from 5-7 PM in the Commons. The top two candidates from the elected Class (those receiving the largest number of votes) will be SIC representatives. Announcement of the final membership of the 2015-16 SIC will be published in the Viking Update and on the school website. All regular SIC meetings are held in the school media center and are open to all parents/guardians, students and community members. Meeting dates and times will be published at the start of the school year. For more information contact Jeff Temoney, Principal at 699-3500 or e-mail